
A part of the €10,000 prize Pepal received from winning the gold medal in the Johnson & Johnson CSR Corporate Citizen Trust Awards in November last year has been used to establish our Caring Together Leadership Awards in Uganda.

Caring Together is our project in Uganda which aims to improve service delivery in 270 health facilities by strengthening leadership. These awards aim to recognise those facilities and health workers that have shown the most progress over the last year.

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We are thrilled to announce that the first of these awards were presented today in simultaneous ceremonies across the Eastern and Rwenzori regions, as part of the events for World AIDS Day. The categories include:

1. The Health Facility with the Best Team Performance
2. The Health Facility with the Most Improved Team Performance
3. The Health Facility with the Best Time-Keeping
4. The Health Facility with the Best Meetings Record
5. The Health Facility Best for Patient Satisfaction

It is hoped that these awards will encourage these facilities to continue to perform well and motivate others to reach these high standards, ultimately improving health services for all Ugandans.



“We feel it is really important to reward the performance of health workers. We understand the challenging circumstances health workers face, with under-staffing and increasing number of patients. This award recognises their hard work, improved performance and helps to boost morale and motivation.” Hon Stephen Asiimwe, Resident District Commissioner, Kabarole district, Western Uganda

“Here in Uganda, World AIDS Day is a really big event, bringing together health workers and everyone from the community. It is the time to recognise the hard work that our partners have put in to fighting the HIV/AIDS epidemic. To have these awards as part of World AIDS Day increases their profile and significance, both for the district leaders and the wider community. We’ve had a brilliant reception today and hope that the awards will become an annual occasion.” Musiime Michael Koima, Caring Together Project Manager, Baylor-Uganda