WHERE: Rwenzori and Eastern Regions, Uganda
WHEN: 2015 – 2018
SHARED VISION: An empowered, motivated and accountable frontline health workforce, with the skills to adapt to the challenges of an under-resourced health system.
“Developing our inner leadership, things we sometimes lose sight of in our work and life, that’s what Pepal brought back to us. It was a privilege to make a tangible difference to health care and patients in Uganda.”
Develop leaders: We built Janssen’s Leadership Imperatives into programme design.
Animate their credo: Johnson and Johnson have a strong credo (, this programme is one of the ways they bring it alive as a company.
Contribute to meaningful social impact.
Increase employee engagement: Staff from two Janssen campuses can apply for the programme.
The programme received a gold medal award from the Johnson & Johnson CSR Corporate Citizen Trust in 2015
Develop leaders
Strengthen health systems
People are central to effective health care delivery. In Uganda, most health professionals, have never had formal management training or been offered support to develop their leadership capacity. Poor leadership and a lack of effective teamwork contributes to poor service delivery and a demotivated workforce. Creating leaders across the health systems who are efficient, accountable, agile and visionary is critical to providing a high quality of care to patients.
Caring Together trained Uganda health professionals as mentors, empowering them to deliver modules like communication, teamwork and time management training to their colleagues.
Caring Together was developed by Baylor-Uganda, with the support of Pepal and Janssen, between 2012 - 2015. The initial success lead to the the programme receiving a $1 million grant in 2015 from Comic Relief to roll out over three years in 270 health facilities in Uganda.
“We have seen fantastic results; Caring Together is changing our approach to health systems strengthening.”
Across 270 health facilities, which serve 4.4m people in rural Uganda between 2015 and 2018 we saw significant improvement to health service provision including:
The Caring Together Programme culminated in the ‘International Summit on Leadership in Health Care’ which hosted over 150 guests, including the Ugandan Prime Minster and Minister for Health, from 40 health-focused organisations who travelled from over 10 different countries. At the summit Baylor Uganda launched their new ‘Leadership Academy’ which will provide leadership and capacity-building training a health professionals throughout Uganda.
Read more in the Caring Together End of Project Report